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Price 相場
現在、日本におけるアルミニウムの価格は、約453,000円から448,000円(トンあたり)となっています(世界経済のネタ帳 – 世界の経済・統計 情報サイト)(Japan Metal Daily)。これは、エネルギーコストや原材料供給の制約などが影響し、2024年にかけての価格変動が見られることから、変動要因が多いことを示しています(Unitek)(ニッカル商工)。
アルミニウムのA7は、主にAl-Zn-Mg合金に分類される材料で、特に耐食性と溶接性に優れています。この合金は、7075系アルミニウムと比較して若干強度が劣りますが、溶接性が良好なため、さまざまな用途で利用されています(LNFME)(Hoei Shokai Co.)。
日本市場において、A7アルミニウムの価格は地域や供給者によって異なりますが、一般的に高品質のインゴットとして流通しています。製造業者や卸売業者による価格設定が行われ、一般的な価格帯は不明確ですが、取引を希望する場合は、具体的な供給業者にお問い合わせいただくことをお勧めします(Hoei Shokai Co.)(LNFME)。
- (Hoei Shokai Co.)ps:/(LNFME)
Copper 現在の日本における銅の価格についての情報を以下にまとめます。
- 銅建値: 2024年9月の銅建値は、1トンあたり1,450,000円です(JX-NMM)。最近の価格推移を見てみると、9月の初めに1,390,000円だったのが、9月26日には1,450,000円まで上昇しています。
- 国際市場の動向: 世界的に見ても、銅市場は均衡が取れているものの、需給バランスは2024年には約30万トンの供給不足が見込まれています。これは、中国の経済活動が影響を与えているとされています(Smile Communication)。
- 2024年の予測: 2024年の銅の平均価格は1ポンドあたり約4.18ドル(約9,215ドル/トン)と見込まれており、供給不足が価格を押し上げる要因となる可能性があります(JPY Forecast)(Smile Communication)。
- 要因: 銅の価格変動は、マクロ経済の動向、特に米国の金利政策や中国の需要に大きく依存しています。近年、金融緩和が進むことで、銅の需要は再び高まる可能性がありますが、現在のところ需給のバランスは不安定です(Hashimoto Kosan)(Smile Communication)。
(JX-NMM)ps:(Hashimoto Kosan)upr(Smile Communication)
ESOL Battery project
Introducing Esol Battery
ESOL Batteryの主な特徴と仕様
- 10倍の蓄電量と軽量化:
- 蓄電量: マグネシウムはリチウムに比べて高いエネルギー密度を持ち、これによりESOL Batteryはリチウム電池と同じサイズで10倍のエネルギーを蓄えることが可能です。これは、よりコンパクトで高効率なバッテリーを実現し、スマートグリッドや電気自動車など、エネルギーが大量に必要なシステムでの使用が可能になります。
- 軽量化: マグネシウムはリチウムより軽量で、しかも耐久性が高いため、バッテリー全体が軽量化されます。電動バイクや電気自動車に搭載する際、車両全体の軽量化を図ることで、走行距離の向上やエネルギー効率の向上に貢献します。
- キャパシタ蓄電とマグネシウム発電のハイブリッド技術:
- キャパシタ: キャパシタ部分は、高速な充放電が可能で、瞬時のエネルギー供給が求められる場面で活躍します。特に、急速充電が必要な電動モビリティや、エネルギー供給のピーク時に最適です。
- マグネシウム発電: マグネシウムを使用した発電技術により、長時間のエネルギー供給を安定して行います。これにより、エネルギーシステム全体の寿命が延び、頻繁な交換が不要になります。
- 高効率なエネルギー管理と持続可能性:
- エネルギーマネジメント: キャパシタとマグネシウムの組み合わせにより、短期的な高出力と長期的な持続的電力供給のバランスを取ることができます。これにより、さまざまな使用状況に対応できる柔軟なエネルギー供給が実現します。
- 環境への貢献: マグネシウムはリサイクル可能であり、リチウムよりも環境負荷が低いことが特徴です。これにより、バッテリーの生産・廃棄プロセス全体でのCO2排出削減が期待されます。
- パートナーシップによる開発:
- 専門家との協力: 小牧先生、高岡先生、矢部先生の専門家からの指導を受け、韓国の最先端の生産ラインとの連携を行うことで、技術開発をさらに加速させます。
- 世界トップクラスの技術開発: このパートナーシップを通じて、世界の最前線で競争力のあるバッテリー技術を開発し、持続可能なエネルギー市場におけるリーダーシップを確立します。
- 世界への貢献:
- エネルギー需要への対応: このバッテリー技術は、電気自動車(EV)、再生可能エネルギーシステム、スマートグリッドなど、さまざまな分野でのエネルギー効率の向上に貢献します。特に、エネルギー管理が重要な分野での応用が期待されます。
- クリーンエネルギーの普及: ESOL Batteryは、クリーンで持続可能なエネルギーの供給を通じて、地球環境に貢献し、エネルギーの効率的な利用を促進します。
ESOL Batteryは、これらの革新技術と特徴を活かし、未来のエネルギー課題に対するソリューションを提供し、持続可能な社会の実現に大きく貢献します。
ESOL Batteryは、革新的なキャパシタとマグネシウムを組み合わせたハイブリッド電池の開発を進めており、世界各国からの共同開発パートナーを募集しています。次世代のバッテリー技術におけるエネルギー効率の向上と持続可能なエネルギーソリューションの提供を目指し、リチウム電池の10倍の蓄電量と軽量化を実現することで、エネルギー市場に革命をもたらします。
- パートナーシップの目的:
グローバルな技術交流と共同開発を通じて、世界トップクラスのバッテリー技術を実現します。特に、電気自動車、再生可能エネルギー、スマートグリッドなど、次世代エネルギー技術の分野で協力し、地球規模のエネルギー問題解決に取り組みます。 - 募集する分野:
- 技術パートナー: キャパシタやマグネシウム電池技術に関する研究開発を支援できる企業や研究機関。
- 製造パートナー: 大規模生産ラインを持つ企業や、材料供給・製造技術で協力できる企業。
- ビジネスパートナー: ESOL Batteryの製品をグローバル市場に広め、クリーンエネルギーソリューションを推進できるパートナー。
- 共同開発のメリット:
- 技術共有: 最新の電池技術やエネルギーソリューションの研究・開発における知見の共有。
- 市場参入の加速: パートナーシップを通じて、最先端のバッテリー技術を迅速に商業化し、世界市場への展開を加速。
- グローバルな影響力: 持続可能なエネルギー市場におけるリーダーシップを確立し、国際的な環境目標の達成に貢献。
ESOL Batteryは、グローバルな協力によって次世代エネルギー技術を開発し、持続可能な未来の実現を目指しています。この技術革新に参加したい企業や研究機関は、ぜひご連絡ください。
Key notes
- 宇宙での蓄電プロジェクト
- リチウムの10倍の軽量化と蓄電量
- グローバル市場への民間行政連携プロジェクト
Key Features of ESOL Battery:
- 10x Energy Storage Capacity and Weight Reduction:
- Energy Storage: The magnesium-based energy storage system provides significantly higher energy density than lithium-ion batteries. This allows the same size battery to store up to 10 times more energy, making it ideal for applications requiring substantial energy, such as electric vehicles (EVs) and smart grids.
- Weight Reduction: Magnesium is much lighter than lithium, resulting in a battery that is dramatically lighter, making it perfect for electric mobility and portable electronics, where weight is a critical factor.
- Hybrid Technology: Capacitor Energy Storage and Magnesium Power Generation:
- Capacitor: The capacitor component enables rapid charging and discharging, ideal for applications that require high bursts of energy.
- Magnesium: The magnesium technology provides stable, long-term energy storage, ensuring continuous power supply for extended periods.
- High Efficiency and Sustainability:
- Energy Management: The hybrid system balances short-term high-output energy with long-term energy storage, making it suitable for a wide range of applications from electric vehicles to renewable energy storage.
- Environmentally Friendly Materials: Magnesium is more abundant and easier to recycle than lithium, making the battery more sustainable and eco-friendly.
Global Development Partnership Invitation
ESOL Battery is now seeking global partners to collaborate in the following areas:
- Technical Collaboration: Companies and research institutions specializing in capacitor and magnesium battery technology.
- Manufacturing Partners: Organizations with large-scale production capabilities to bring this advanced battery to market.
- Business and Market Partners: Partners who can help expand the global reach of ESOL Battery products, particularly in electric vehicles and renewable energy applications.
Benefits of Collaboration:
- Shared Innovation: Partners will gain access to cutting-edge research and development in next-generation battery technology.
- Accelerated Market Entry: Through collaboration, the commercialization of this breakthrough technology can be expedited, allowing for quicker market penetration.
- Global Impact: By developing and deploying sustainable energy solutions, partners will play a crucial role in addressing global energy challenges and reducing environmental impact.
ESOL Battery is committed to driving the next wave of energy innovation and invites partners from around the world to join this groundbreaking initiative. If you are interested in participating in the development of world-class energy solutions, we encourage you to reach out for further collaboration opportunities.
ESOL Battery is actively seeking global development partners to join forces in advancing its cutting-edge battery technologies. By collaborating with experts and industries worldwide, ESOL aims to further enhance its innovative hybrid system that combines capacitor storage and magnesium-based power generation, delivering groundbreaking solutions for energy storage and efficiency.
Key Areas for Collaboration:
- Battery Technology Innovation: Collaborate on enhancing the hybrid battery system with a focus on 10x the energy storage capacity and significant weight reduction compared to lithium-ion batteries.
- Manufacturing and Production: Partners with expertise in scalable production technologies are encouraged to work together with ESOL to create an efficient manufacturing process for global distribution.
- Sustainability and Recycling: Partners focused on environmentally-friendly materials and sustainable recycling methods are welcomed to help improve the lifecycle of the ESOL Battery.
- Application Development: Collaborations for integrating this battery technology into electric vehicles, renewable energy systems, and other energy-efficient applications.
Why Partner with ESOL Battery?
- Access to a world-class research and development team.
- Opportunity to contribute to next-generation battery solutions that meet global energy demands.
- Potential for mutual growth and innovation in clean energy and sustainable technologies.
If your organization is interested in contributing to the future of energy storage and becoming a part of this transformative initiative, ESOL Battery invites you to join this global effort to create top-tier battery technology that will shape the future of renewable energy.
ESOL Copper sales
Introducing Market
タイのリサイクル銅市場は、2024年において価格や需給の変動が顕著です。最近の銅価格は、LME(ロンドン金属取引所)の影響を受けており、2024年の銅価格は平均で約9,117ドル/トンと見込まれています(SC Global)(世界経済のネタ帳 – 世界の経済・統計 情報サイト)。特に2024年9月の時点で、銅の価格は1ポンドあたり約4.18ドル(約9,215ドル/トン)と予測されており、2025年には若干の上昇が見込まれています(JPY Forecast)。
また、タイではリサイクル銅の需要が高まっており、特に電気自動車や再生可能エネルギーへの依存度が増しています。これにより、リサイクル率の向上が求められ、現在のリサイクル率は約50%を目指しています(Bloomberg Professional Services | Japan)(朝日新聞GLOBE+)。さらに、タイからの銅棒の輸出は、特に日本向けが減少しており、2024年の上半期には13年ぶりの低水準に達しました(鉄鋼・非鉄金属業界の専門紙「日刊産業新聞」)。
he copper recycling market in Thailand is experiencing significant price and demand fluctuations in 2024. The recent copper prices are influenced by the LME (London Metal Exchange), with an average forecast of around $9,117 per tonfor the year(YCG Advisory)(Japan Metal Daily). Specifically, as of September 2024, the price of copper is projected to be about $4.18 per pound (approximately $9,215 per ton)(鉄鋼・非鉄金属業界の専門紙「日刊産業新聞」)(IRU MIRU). A slight increase in prices is expected for 2025.
The demand for recycled copper is rising, particularly due to the increasing reliance on electric vehicles and renewable energy sources. This trend is pushing the country to improve its recycling rates, which currently aim for about 50%(
Japan Metal Daily)(鉄鋼・非鉄金属業界の専門紙「日刊産業新聞」). Additionally, exports of copper bars from Thailand, especially to Japan, have seen a decline, reaching a 13-year low in the first half of 2024(IRU MIRU).
These developments are closely tied to Thailand’s waste management policies and the promotion of the BCG (Bio-Circular-Green) Economy policy. Government initiatives are expected to positively impact the recycling industry, and the trading of recycled copper will continue to evolve in response to market conditions and regulatory changes(YCG Advisory)(Japan Metal Daily)(IRU MIRU).
For further information, you can refer to the original sources:
(YCG Advisory)ps:(Japan Metal Daily)ear(IRU MIRU)an Metal Daily](
Key notes
- BCG経済政策
- 3R政策
- 産業廃棄物管理
- 国際的な規制への対応
BCG Economic Policy - 3R Policy
- Industrial waste management
- Response to international regulations
- BCG経済政策: バイオ・サーキュラー・グリーン経済政策は、持続可能な開発を促進し、廃棄物の削減、リサイクルの促進、資源の有効活用を目指しています。この政策は、廃棄物管理だけでなく、農業や工業などさまざまな分野にも広がっています(YCG Advisory)(Japan Metal Daily)。
- 3R政策: 「Reduce(削減)」「Reuse(再利用)」「Recycle(リサイクル)」の頭文字を取ったこの政策は、廃棄物の発生を抑えることを目的としています。特に、廃棄物のリサイクル率を向上させるための様々な施策が進められています(YCG Advisory)(鉄鋼・非鉄金属業界の専門紙「日刊産業新聞」)。
- 産業廃棄物管理: タイでは、産業廃棄物の管理が厳格に行われており、工場からの廃棄物は事前に許可を得る必要があります。また、廃棄物の運搬や処理についても明確な規定があり、環境への影響を最小限に抑えるための監視が行われています(YCG Advisory)(鉄鋼・非鉄金属業界の専門紙「日刊産業新聞」)。
- 国際的な規制への対応: 特に中国からの輸入規制の影響を受け、タイでもリサイクル可能な廃棄物の管理が強化されています。政府は廃棄物の品質向上を図り、環境問題に対応するための規制を導入しています(鉄鋼・非鉄金属業界の専門紙「日刊産業新聞」)(IRU MIRU)。
(YCG Advisory)ps:(鉄鋼・非鉄金属業界の専門紙「日刊産業新聞」)
Thailand’s waste management policies are primarily based on several key initiatives aimed at promoting sustainability and improving recycling rates:
- BCG Economy Policy: The Bio-Circular-Green (BCG) Economy Policy focuses on sustainable development by reducing waste, promoting recycling, and optimizing resource utilization. This policy extends beyond waste management to various sectors, including agriculture and industry(YCG Advisory)(Japan Metal Daily).
- 3R Policy: The 3R approach—Reduce, Reuse, Recycle—aims to minimize waste generation. The Thai government is implementing various measures to improve recycling rates, emphasizing the importance of waste reduction and resource conservation(YCG Advisory)(鉄鋼・非鉄金属業界の専門紙「日刊産業新聞」).
- Industrial Waste Management: Thailand strictly regulates industrial waste management. Factories must obtain prior approval before disposing of waste, and there are clear regulations regarding waste transportation and processing to mitigate environmental impact(YCG Advisory)(鉄鋼・非鉄金属業界の専門紙「日刊産業新聞」).
- Response to International Regulations: In light of restrictions on waste imports from countries like China, Thailand has strengthened its management of recyclable materials. The government is focused on improving the quality of waste and implementing regulations to address environmental concerns(鉄鋼・非鉄金属業界の専門紙「日刊産業新聞」)(IRU MIRU).
These policies are crucial not only for enhancing waste management efficiency but also for promoting environmental protection and sustainable resource use. For more detailed information, you can refer to the following links:
- (YCG Advisory)ps:(鉄鋼・非鉄金属業界の専門紙「日刊産業新聞」)earning/oversea_164/)
- Japan Metal Daily
Japan technology
Japanese technology spans a wide range of fields, particularly excelling in robotics, the automotive industry, electronics, and more recently, renewable energy technologies. For instance, Japan is at the forefront of autonomous driving technology and robotics, gaining global attention. The country is also focused on developing high-performance semiconductors and devices, which drive innovation across various industries. Additionally, Japan is actively engaged in the development of smart cities and the application of IoT technologies, enhancing urban infrastructure for the future.
Key notes
- ロボティクス: 先進的な開発と革新。
- 自動車産業: 自動運転技術でのリーダーシップ。
- 電子機器: 高性能な半導体やデバイス。
- スマートシティ: 都市インフラの改善に注力。
- 再生可能エネルギー: 持続可能な技術に重点を置く。
- Robotics: Advanced development and innovation.
- Automotive Industry: Leading in autonomous driving technology.
- Electronics: High-performance semiconductors and devices.
- Smart Cities: Focus on urban infrastructure improvement.
- Renewable Energy: Emphasis on sustainable technologies.
The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry selects “Global Niche Top Companies” to be outstanding companies that are successful in niche sectors of the global market or that have businesses in parts and materials, etc., which are becoming increasingly important in the supply chain amid changes in the international situation.
- 日本再生可能エネルギー株式会社
- 太陽光、風力、バイオマスエネルギーに焦点を当てた企業。
- ソーラーフロンティア株式会社
- 薄膜太陽光パネルの開発・製造。
- ジンコソーラー・ホールディング株式会社(日本支社)
- 太陽光パネルの製造および設置。
- カナディアンソーラージャパン株式会社
- 大規模太陽光発電システムの設置。
- インフィニジャパンソーラー株式会社
- 太陽光エネルギーシステムの提供。
- 三菱重工業株式会社
- 風力や地熱発電を含む再生可能エネルギー技術の開発。
- シーメンス・ガメサ再生可能エネルギー株式会社
- 風力発電ソリューションの提供。
- 京セラ株式会社
- 太陽光エネルギーシステムや蓄電技術を展開。
- シャープ株式会社
- 太陽光発電システムの開発と設置。
- 日立造船株式会社
- 廃棄物発電(WTE)や再生可能エネルギー技術の提供。
- 東芝エネルギーシステムズ株式会社
- 水力、風力、エネルギー貯蔵技術に注力。
- パナソニック株式会社
- 太陽光パネルやバッテリーシステムを展開。
- 日本風力開発株式会社
- 風力発電ソリューションの開発。
- 住友商事株式会社
- 太陽光および風力プロジェクトを世界的に展開。
- 東京ガス株式会社
- 再生可能エネルギーと天然ガスのハイブリッド事業。
- 千代田化工建設株式会社
- 再生可能エネルギープラントの設計・建設。
- ENEOS株式会社
- 太陽光や風力エネルギーへの投資。
- 丸紅株式会社
- 再生可能エネルギープロジェクトの開発。
- IHI株式会社
- 海洋風力発電やエネルギー貯蔵技術の開発。
- 福島再生可能エネルギー研究所(FREA)
- 太陽光、風力、水素エネルギーの研究。
- 日本工営株式会社
- 再生可能エネルギーインフラのコンサルティング。
- 関電工株式会社
- 再生可能エネルギー設置サービスの提供。
- 清水建設株式会社
- 太陽光発電所の建設および保守サービス。
- 三井物産株式会社
- 洋上風力発電プロジェクトへの投資。
- 大林組株式会社
- 再生可能エネルギープロジェクトの開発と建設。
- 株式会社小松製作所(コマツ)
- 建設および鉱山用機械の製造。
- 日立建機株式会社
- 鉱山および土木用重機の製造。
- 神戸製鋼所(Kobelco)
- 鉱山機械および製錬・精錬設備の提供。
- 住友重機械工業株式会社
- 鉱業および産業機械の製造。
- 古河ロックドリル株式会社
- 鉱山機械および掘削機械の製造。
- 新日本製鉄株式会社
- 鉄鋼製造および鉱業関連機器の提供。
- JFEエンジニアリング株式会社
- 環境リサイクル設備や廃棄物処理技術の提供。
- 日産化学株式会社
- 鉱業で使用される環境化学製品の開発。
- 東ソー株式会社
- 鉱業プロセス向けの化学製品と材料の製造。
- 三井金属鉱業株式会社
- 非鉄金属の採掘と精錬。
- DOWAホールディングス株式会社
- 環境技術および金属リサイクルの提供。
- 日鉱金属株式会社
- 銅および貴金属の採掘と精錬。
- 関東天然ガス開発株式会社
- 地熱エネルギーおよび環境サービスの提供。
- 三菱マテリアル株式会社
- 金属採掘、リサイクルおよび廃棄物処理技術。
- 住友電気工業株式会社
- 鉱業技術と金属製品の開発。
- 帝人株式会社
- 鉱業および産業用環境技術の提供。
- 東レ株式会社
- 環境技術や水処理フィルターの提供。
- 宇部興産株式会社
- 鉱業向けの化学製品と材料の製造。
- 旭化成株式会社
- エネルギー貯蔵および水処理技術の提供。
- 信越化学工業株式会社
- 鉱業プロセス向けの工業用材料と環境技術。
- 富士電機株式会社
- エネルギー効率の高いシステムや環境機器の提供。
- 東芝環境ソリューションズ
- 廃水処理および大気浄化システムの提供。
- 横河電機株式会社
- 鉱業およびエネルギー生産のプロセスオートメーション。
- 出光興産株式会社
- 再生可能エネルギー開発および鉱業関連の環境サービス。
- 中部電力株式会社
- 地熱エネルギーや再生可能エネルギープロジェクトの開発。
- Renewable Energy Technology Companies:
- Automotive and autonomous driving technology.
- Japan Renewable Energy Co., Ltd.
- Focus: Solar, wind, and biomass energy solutions.
- Solar Frontier KK
- Focus: Thin-film solar technology.
- JinkoSolar Holding Co., Ltd. (Japan Branch)
- Focus: Solar panel manufacturing and installations.
- Canadian Solar Japan
- Focus: Solar energy solutions for utility-scale projects.
- INFINI Japan Solar Co., Ltd.
- Focus: Solar energy systems.
- Mitsubishi Heavy Industries
- Focus: Renewable energy solutions, including wind and geothermal power generation.
- Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy Japan
- Focus: Wind power solutions.
- Kyocera Corporation
- Focus: Solar energy systems and smart energy storage solutions.
- Sharp Corporation
- Focus: Solar energy panels and systems.
- Hitachi Zosen Corporation
- Focus: Waste-to-energy (WTE) systems and renewable energy technologies.
- Toshiba Energy Systems & Solutions Corporation
- Focus: Hydropower, wind energy, and energy storage.
- Panasonic Corporation
- Focus: Energy-efficient and renewable energy systems, including solar panels and batteries.
- Japan Wind Development Co., Ltd.
- Focus: Wind energy solutions.
- Sumitomo Corporation
- Focus: Solar and wind power projects globally.
- Tokyo Gas Co., Ltd.
- Focus: Natural gas and renewable energy.
- Chiyoda Corporation
- Focus: Renewable energy plant engineering.
- ENEOS Corporation
- Focus: Solar and wind energy investments.
- Marubeni Corporation
- Focus: Renewable energy project development.
- IHI Corporation
- Focus: Offshore wind power and energy storage technologies.
- Fukushima Renewable Energy Institute (FREA)
- Focus: Renewable energy research, including solar, wind, and hydrogen energy.
- Nippon Koei Co., Ltd.
- Focus: Renewable energy infrastructure consulting and engineering.
- Kandenko Co., Ltd.
- Focus: Renewable energy installation services.
- Shimizu Corporation
- Focus: Solar power plant construction and maintenance.
- Mitsui & Co., Ltd.
- Focus: Investments in renewable energy projects, including offshore wind.
- Obayashi Corporation
- Focus: Renewable energy development and construction services.
- Mining and Environmental Companies:
- Komatsu Ltd.
- Focus: Mining and construction equipment.
- Hitachi Construction Machinery
- Focus: Mining and earth-moving machinery.
- Kobelco (Kobe Steel, Ltd.)
- Focus: Mining and industrial machinery, especially for smelting and refining.
- Sumitomo Heavy Industries
- Focus: Industrial equipment, including mining machinery.
- Furukawa Rock Drill Co., Ltd.
- Focus: Mining equipment and drilling machinery.
- Nippon Steel Corporation
- Focus: Steel production and mining-related machinery.
- JFE Engineering Corporation
- Focus: Environmental and recycling equipment for waste treatment.
- Nissan Chemical Corporation
- Focus: Environmental chemicals used in mining processes.
- Tosoh Corporation
- Focus: Chemicals and materials for mining.
- Mitsui Mining & Smelting Co., Ltd.
- Focus: Mining and refining of non-ferrous metals.
- Dowa Holdings Co., Ltd.
- Focus: Environmental solutions and metal recycling.
- Nippon Mining & Metals Co., Ltd.
- Focus: Copper and precious metal mining, refining, and recycling.
- Kanto Natural Gas Development Co., Ltd.
- Focus: Geothermal energy and environmental services.
- Mitsubishi Materials Corporation
- Focus: Metal mining, recycling, and waste management technologies.
- Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd.
- Focus: Mining technologies and metal products.
- Teijin Limited
- Focus: Environmental technologies for mining and industrial applications.
- Toray Industries, Inc.
- Focus: Environmental solutions, including water purification and filtration for mining.
- Ube Industries, Ltd.
- Focus: Chemicals and materials used in mining and environmental applications.
- Asahi Kasei Corporation
- Focus: Environmental solutions and materials for energy storage in mining.
- Shin-Etsu Chemical Co., Ltd.
- Focus: Environmental materials and industrial chemicals for mining.
- Fuji Electric Co., Ltd.
- Focus: Energy-efficient systems and environmental equipment.
- Toshiba Environmental Solutions
- Focus: Wastewater treatment and air purification systems.
- Yokogawa Electric Corporation
- Focus: Process automation and control systems for mining and energy production.
- Idemitsu Kosan Co., Ltd.
- Focus: Renewable energy development and environmental services in mining.
- Chubu Electric Power
- Focus: Geothermal energy and renewable energy projects.
- These companies are active in renewable energy and environmental technologies, as well as providing equipment and services for the mining industry in Japan.
- Technology applications in the insurance industry.
These companies are leading various sectors of the technology industry in Japan and driving innovation across a wide range of fields.
WTE ゴミ処理発電
1. 経済効果
- 新規産業の創出: ゴミ処理プラントの建設や運営には多くの労働力が必要となり、新たな雇用を創出します。また、これに関連するエンジニアリング、メンテナンス、研究開発などの分野でも雇用機会が増加します。
- 地方経済の活性化: 廃棄物処理施設は、特に地方におけるインフラ投資として機能し、地域経済の活性化を促進します。廃棄物発電所が地方に建設されることで、物流、サービス、建設などの周辺産業にも波及効果が期待されます。
- エネルギーコスト削減: ゴミから発電されたエネルギーを利用することで、タイのエネルギー依存度を減らし、国内のエネルギーコストを削減することができます。
2. 環境効果と経済の持続可能性
- 廃棄物削減: ゴミを直接埋め立てるのではなく、エネルギー源として再利用することで、埋め立て地の拡大を防ぎ、廃棄物の総量を削減します。
- カーボンフットプリントの削減: 廃棄物からのメタンガスの排出を減らし、温室効果ガスの削減に貢献することができます。これは、国際的なカーボン市場や環境規制にも適応した取り組みとなり、タイの競争力を高めます。
3. 政府の政策とインセンティブ
4. 国際的な協力と投資機会
タイは廃棄物処理の分野で、国際的な協力を進めています。日本や欧州からの技術導入や投資が盛んであり、先進的な技術を取り入れることで、効率的な廃棄物処理を実現しています。ESOL Energyなどの企業がこの分野において技術を導入し、廃棄物処理プラントの設立や運営に関わることも、タイ経済への貢献に繋がります。
5. 廃棄物発電の今後の展望
Key notes
- 「廃棄物発電(Waste-to-Energy)」プロジェクト.
- 「ゴミ処理X●●」
“Waste-to-Energy” project. - “Garbage disposal X●●”
- Pre-arranged collections of blocks.
1. 農業廃棄物とバイオマスエネルギー
- バイオマス発電: 農業廃棄物(例: 米のもみ殻、サトウキビの搾りかす)を燃焼させてエネルギーを生成する技術がタイでは急速に発展しています。これにより、農業廃棄物を再利用し、電力供給を増やすだけでなく、農業者に追加収入をもたらすことが可能です。
- バイオガス生成: 家畜の排泄物や食品廃棄物などを利用してバイオガスを生成し、再生可能エネルギーとして活用するプロジェクトもあります。これにより、農村部でのエネルギー自給自足や、温室効果ガスの削減が進められています。
2. 林業廃棄物とサステナビリティ
- 木質ペレットの製造: 林業廃棄物を圧縮して木質ペレットを製造し、エネルギー源や燃料として活用する取り組みが増えています。木質ペレットは石炭の代替としても注目されており、エネルギー供給の多様化を促進します。
- 森林保全と再植林: 持続可能な森林管理が進められており、廃棄物処理と並行して森林の再植林活動も展開されています。これにより、環境保全と林業産業の長期的な発展が可能になります。
3. 水産業における廃棄物再利用
- 水産廃棄物の肥料や飼料への転用: エビの殻や魚の内臓など、水産加工の過程で発生する廃棄物を肥料や飼料に転用する技術が進んでいます。これにより、廃棄物の量を減らし、農業や畜産業に新たな資源を提供することができます。
- 海洋廃棄物の管理とリサイクル: 漁業に伴う海洋廃棄物の管理も重要な課題です。タイは、持続可能な漁業と海洋廃棄物のリサイクル技術を導入し、環境保護と水産業の健全な発展を両立させる取り組みを進めています。
4. 経済的効果と産業の多様化
農業とエネルギーの融合: 農業廃棄物をエネルギーに変換することで、農家や農村地域がエネルギーを自給自足できる仕組みを作り出し、地域の経済的安定を促進します。
地域経済の発展: 農林水産業が盛んな地方において、廃棄物処理技術や再生可能エネルギーの導入が地域のインフラ投資を促し、雇用創出や所得向上につながります。
1. ゴミ処理 X 農林水産業
- バイオマスエネルギーの生成: 農業や林業の廃棄物(作物の残渣、木材の切れ端など)をエネルギー源として利用し、発電や熱供給を行います。これにより、農村地域のエネルギーコスト削減や自給自足を促進します。
- 有機肥料の生産: 食品廃棄物や水産業の廃棄物を再利用し、有機肥料として農業に還元。これにより、化学肥料に依存しない持続可能な農業の実現が期待されます。
2. ゴミ処理 X 観光業
- エコツーリズムとリサイクル施設見学: 観光地に廃棄物リサイクル施設を設け、観光客にリサイクルの重要性を訴える観光プログラムを提供。ゴミの削減を図るだけでなく、観光業と廃棄物処理の連携によって環境意識を高めることができます。
- リサイクルマテリアルを活用したエコリゾート: ゴミからリサイクルされた材料を使用して建設されたエコリゾートを観光客に提供し、持続可能な旅行体験を提案します。
3. ゴミ処理 X 不動産開発
- 建設廃材のリサイクル: 建設現場から発生する廃材をリサイクルして、新しい建築資材として再利用する取り組みが増加中。これにより、資源の有効活用と廃棄物削減が同時に進行します。
- スマートシティのゴミ管理システム: 不動産開発におけるスマートシティ構想と連携し、ゴミ処理の自動化システムや再生可能エネルギーを導入。これにより、エコフレンドリーな都市開発を実現します。
4. ゴミ処理 X 教育
- 学校でのリサイクル教育プログラム: 廃棄物管理とリサイクルの重要性を学生に教えるためのカリキュラムを導入。地域社会でのゴミ削減やリサイクル推進につながります。
- 学生参加型ゴミ処理プロジェクト: 学生が実際にリサイクル活動や廃棄物処理プロジェクトに参加できるようなプログラムを設け、実体験を通じて環境問題に取り組む姿勢を養います。
5. ゴミ処理 X 医療・ヘルスケア
- 医療廃棄物の適正処理: 病院やクリニックから発生する医療廃棄物(注射器、薬剤容器など)を安全に処理し、環境や公衆衛生を守る取り組みを推進。再生可能エネルギーを利用した処理施設の導入も検討されます。
- 健康促進リサイクルキャンペーン: リサイクルされたプラスチックや素材を使用した健康グッズ(たとえば運動器具やウェア)の開発。環境に優しいライフスタイルを提案します。
6. ゴミ処理 X 金融
- グリーンボンド発行: ゴミ処理やリサイクル関連のプロジェクトに資金を提供するためのグリーンボンドを発行。金融市場を通じて持続可能な経済活動を促進します。
- 廃棄物処理へのインパクト投資: 環境改善を目指したインパクト投資が、ゴミ処理分野にも適用され、経済的リターンだけでなく、環境へのポジティブな影響を追求します。
7. ゴミ処理 X 製造業
製造業からの廃棄物削減プログラム: 製造過程で発生する廃棄物のリサイクルや再利用の技術を開発し、ゼロ・ウェイスト工場の実現を目指します。
リサイクル素材を用いた製品開発: ゴミからリサイクルされた素材を用いて、新しい製品を製造する取り組み。これにより、資源の消費を抑えながら、環境に配慮した製品を市場に供給します。
8. ゴミ処理 X エネルギー
- 廃棄物からのエネルギー生成(Waste-to-Energy): 都市ごみ、産業廃棄物、食品廃棄物などを燃焼させて電力や熱エネルギーを生成し、地域のエネルギー供給源とします。エネルギーコストを削減し、持続可能な電力供給を推進します。
- メタンガス回収システム: 埋め立て地から発生するメタンガスを回収し、バイオガスとして利用。再生可能エネルギーとして発電所に供給し、カーボンフットプリントを削減します。
9. ゴミ処理 X ファッション
- リサイクル繊維の活用: 廃棄された衣類やプラスチックをリサイクルして新しい繊維を製造し、それを使ったファッション商品を開発。循環型ファッションを推進し、ファッション業界の廃棄物削減に貢献します。
- エコファッションブランドの育成: 環境に優しいリサイクル素材やオーガニック素材を使用したブランドを育成し、持続可能なライフスタイルを消費者に提供します。
10. ゴミ処理 X 食品産業
- フードロス削減プラットフォーム: 廃棄予定の食品を市場に流通させたり、食料バンクに寄付するシステムを構築し、食品廃棄物の削減を図る。余剰食品は堆肥やバイオエネルギーの原料として利用される場合もあります。
- 食品廃棄物からのバイオプラスチック製造: 廃棄される食品を原料としてバイオプラスチックを製造する技術を活用。これにより、食品廃棄物の新たな用途を創出し、プラスチック廃棄物の削減も進めます。
11. ゴミ処理 X スポーツ・レクリエーション
- リサイクル材を使用したスポーツ施設: 廃棄物からリサイクルされた素材を用いて、スタジアムやスポーツ施設を建設。エコフレンドリーなスポーツイベントやトレーニング施設の普及を促進します。
- スポーツイベントでのゼロウェイスト運営: 大規模なスポーツイベントにおいて、使い捨てプラスチックの使用を削減し、リサイクル可能な材料や堆肥化可能な材料を使用することで、廃棄物ゼロの運営を目指します。
12. ゴミ処理 X 自動車産業
自動車産業と廃棄物処理を組み合わせ、車両の製造と廃棄の両方において持続可能なアプローチを推進します。さらに「ゴミ処理 X ●●」のモデルを拡充し、廃棄物処理と他産業との新しい連携を考えます。これにより、より多様な分野における持続可能な発展が期待されます。
13. ゴミ処理 X テクノロジー
- AIとIoTによるスマートゴミ管理: 人工知能(AI)やモノのインターネット(IoT)を活用して、ゴミの収集やリサイクルの最適化を図ります。センサーでゴミの量をリアルタイムで把握し、効率的な回収ルートや分別を行うシステムが実現できます。
- ブロックチェーンを利用したリサイクルチェーンの透明化: リサイクルプロセスのトレーサビリティを確保するために、ブロックチェーン技術を利用。これにより、リサイクル素材の出所や再利用状況を管理し、消費者や企業が透明性のある取引を行えるようにします。
14. ゴミ処理 X エンターテインメント
- 映画・イベント制作でのエコ活動: 映画制作や大規模イベントの運営において、セットや衣装、プロップなどをリサイクル可能な素材で制作。廃棄物削減やサステナブルなイベント開催を推進します。
- リサイクルアートやエコテーマのエンタメ企画: 廃棄物を素材にしたアートやインスタレーションをエンターテインメントイベントで展示し、環境問題の意識向上とリサイクルの重要性を訴える取り組みを展開します。
15. ゴミ処理 X 航空・宇宙産業
- 航空機からの廃棄物管理: 航空機の運航による廃棄物(食品廃棄物やプラスチック)を削減するために、リサイクル可能な資材を使用し、廃棄物の処理とリサイクルプロセスを最適化。空港内でも廃棄物削減プログラムを導入します。
- 宇宙開発における廃棄物リサイクル技術: 宇宙ステーションや将来の宇宙探査において、廃棄物を再利用して新たな資源や燃料を生成する技術を開発し、持続可能な宇宙開発を支えます。
16. ゴミ処理 X インフラストラクチャー
廃棄物管理インフラの強化: 都市部におけるゴミ処理インフラを強化し、分別収集施設やリサイクルセンターを増設して廃棄物の効率的な処理を実現。
リサイクル材料を使用した道路・橋梁建設: 廃棄物から生成したリサイクル素材を使用し、道路や橋梁の建設に活用。持続可能なインフラストラクチャーを作り出し、環境負荷を軽減します。
17. ゴミ処理 X スマートシティ
- スマートゴミ収集システム: 街中にセンサー付きのゴミ箱を設置し、ゴミがいっぱいになるタイミングをリアルタイムで管理。AIを活用してゴミ収集車の効率的なルートを自動で計画し、交通渋滞や二酸化炭素排出量の削減を図ります。
- リサイクルポイントシステム: 市民がリサイクルに協力することで、ポイントが貯まるシステムを導入。貯まったポイントは公共交通やショッピングの割引に使用でき、住民が積極的にリサイクル活動に参加する動機づけとなります。
18. ゴミ処理 X 教育・研究
- 廃棄物処理研究センター: 大学や研究機関において、廃棄物の効率的なリサイクル技術や再生可能エネルギーの開発を専門とする研究センターを設立。新しい素材の開発や廃棄物ゼロ社会を目指すための学術的なサポートを提供します。
- エコキャンパスの運営: 学校や大学で、リサイクルプログラムを導入し、廃棄物ゼロのキャンパス運営を推進。学生や教職員がリサイクルに参加し、環境意識を高める教育機会を提供します。
19. ゴミ処理 X 海運業
- 船舶でのゴミ処理・リサイクル技術: 船舶で発生する廃棄物を海上で処理・リサイクルする技術を導入。これにより、港での廃棄物処理コストを削減し、海洋汚染の防止にも寄与します。
- 港湾施設でのゼロウェイストプログラム: 港湾での廃棄物処理を効率化し、ゼロウェイスト運営を目指す。廃棄物をすべてリサイクルやエネルギー化する施設を設け、港でのゴミ発生を大幅に削減します。
20. ゴミ処理 X サービス業
- レストランでのフードロス削減プログラム: レストランで発生する食品廃棄物を減らすため、メニューの最適化や、残った食品を地元のフードバンクに寄付する取り組みを推進。また、食品廃棄物を堆肥やバイオエネルギーに変換する技術を導入します。
- ホテルでの廃棄物管理: ホテル業界において、ゴミの分別やリサイクルを促進し、廃棄物削減を目指すプログラムを展開。リサイクル可能な製品の導入や、宿泊客が参加できるエコプログラムの実施も奨励します。
21. ゴミ処理 X パッケージング業界
- エコフレンドリーパッケージの開発: プラスチックに代わる環境に優しい包装素材を開発し、廃棄物の削減とリサイクルを促進。バイオプラスチックや再生素材を利用したパッケージが普及することで、環境への負担を軽減します。
- パッケージング廃棄物のリサイクルプログラム: 消費者が使い終わったパッケージを簡単にリサイクルできるシステムを構築し、企業と消費者が協力して廃棄物を減らす取り組みを強化します。
22. ゴミ処理 X 公共交通
- バイオ燃料の活用: 廃棄物から生成されたバイオ燃料を公共交通機関の燃料として活用し、カーボンフットプリントの削減と持続可能な交通システムを構築。廃棄物の有効活用によりエネルギーコストも削減します。
- ゼロウェイストバス停: バス停に廃棄物分別システムを導入し、待っている間にゴミを正しく分別・リサイクルできる仕組みを構築。公共交通利用者のエコ意識を高めます。
23. ゴミ処理 X スポーツ用品
- リサイクル素材を使ったスポーツ用品: ゴミからリサイクルされたプラスチックやゴムを使用してスポーツ用品(サッカーボール、テニスラケットなど)を製造。これにより、廃棄物削減と製品の持続可能性を高めます。
- スポーツウェアの循環型モデル: 使用済みスポーツウェアをリサイクルし、新しい衣料品に変換する循環型ビジネスモデルを導入。消費者が不要なウェアを返却できる仕組みを作り、資源の無駄を防ぎます。
これらの「ゴミ処理 X ●●」モデルは、多様な産業と廃棄物処理の連携により、経済と環境の両面で持続可能な成長を促進するためのアイデアです。タイをはじめとした多くの国々で、このような取り組みが導入されれば、持続可能な社会の実現に向けた大きな前進となるでしょう。
In addition to waste disposal and economic development in Thailand, agriculture, forestry and fisheries-related initiatives also contribute greatly to economic development. The development of economic activities that combine agriculture, forestry and fisheries with waste disposal has made it possible to achieve both environmental protection and industrial promotion, which has had a significant impact on sustainable economic development.
- Agricultural waste and biomass energy
Thailand is a major agricultural country, producing large amounts of crops such as rice, corn, cassava and sugarcane. As a result, a large amount of agricultural waste is generated, and the proper disposal of this waste has become a challenge. Recently, efforts have been made to use this agricultural waste as an energy source in the form of “biomass energy”.
Biomass power generation: Technology to generate energy by burning agricultural waste (e.g. rice husks, sugarcane pomace) is rapidly developing in Thailand. This makes it possible to reuse agricultural waste, increase electricity supply, and provide additional income to farmers.
Biogas generation: There are also projects to generate biogas using livestock waste and food waste, and use it as renewable energy. This is helping rural areas achieve energy self-sufficiency and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
- Forestry waste and sustainability
Thailand’s forestry industry is also an important industry, with timber processing and the pulp and paper industry thriving. However, waste disposal after logging has become an environmental problem, and wood biomass is attracting attention as a solution to this. Forestry waste is often used as bioenergy and recycled materials.
Wood pellet production: Increasing efforts are being made to compress forestry waste to produce wood pellets and use them as an energy source or fuel. Wood pellets are also attracting attention as an alternative to coal, promoting the diversification of energy supplies.
Forest conservation and reforestation: Sustainable forest management is being promoted, and forest reforestation activities are being carried out in parallel with waste disposal. This will enable environmental conservation and long-term development of the forestry industry.
- Waste reuse in the fishing industry
Thailand is one of the leading fishing countries in Asia, and shrimp and fish production supports its economy. However, proper disposal of waste generated from the fishery processing industry has been a long-standing challenge. Recently, efforts to reuse waste from the fishery industry have been progressing.
Conversion of fishery waste into fertilizer and feed: Advances have been made in technology to convert waste generated during the fishery processing process, such as shrimp shells and fish innards, into fertilizer and feed. This reduces the amount of waste and provides new resources for agriculture and livestock.
Management and recycling of marine waste: Managing marine waste from fishing is also an important issue. Thailand is introducing sustainable fishing and marine waste recycling technologies to balance environmental protection with the healthy development of the fishery industry.
- Economic effects and industrial diversification
Reusing waste from agriculture, forestry, and fisheries and turning it into energy is important for the Thai economy. Specifically:
Integration of agriculture and energy: By converting agricultural waste into energy, we can create a system where farmers and rural areas can become self-sufficient in energy, thereby improving the local economy.
Regional economic development: In regions where agriculture, forestry, and fisheries are thriving, the introduction of waste treatment technology and renewable energy will encourage investment in regional infrastructure, leading to job creation and increased income.
- Waste treatment x Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries
This is a model that uses waste to promote the development of agriculture, forestry, and fisheries.
Biomass energy generation: Agricultural and forestry waste (crop residues, wood chips, etc.) is used as an energy source to generate electricity and provide heat. This will reduce energy costs in rural areas and promote self-sufficiency.
Organic fertilizer production: Food waste and waste from the fishing industry are reused and returned to agriculture as organic fertilizer. This is expected to realize sustainable agriculture that does not rely on chemical fertilizers.
- Waste treatment x Tourism
Tourism in Thailand is a major pillar of the economy, but the disposal of waste generated by tourism is also a challenge. By combining tourism and waste treatment, ecotourism and sustainable tourism are expected to develop.
Ecotourism and recycling facility visits: A waste recycling facility is set up in a tourist destination, and a tourism program is provided to promote the importance of recycling. Not only does this reduce waste, but the link between tourism and waste disposal can also raise environmental awareness.
Eco-resorts using recycled materials: Eco-resorts built using recycled materials are offered to tourists, proposing a sustainable travel experience.
- Waste disposal x Real estate development
Initiatives that combine real estate development and waste disposal are attracting attention as part of sustainable urban development.
Recycling of construction waste: Initiatives to recycle waste materials from construction sites and reuse them as new building materials are on the rise. This allows for effective use of resources and waste reduction at the same time.
Waste management systems in smart cities: In collaboration with the smart city concept in real estate development, automated waste disposal systems and renewable energy are introduced. This will realize eco-friendly urban development.
- Waste disposal x Education
This is a model that will help educate and raise awareness among the next generation by spreading knowledge and technology about waste disposal.
Recycling education program in schools: A curriculum will be introduced to teach students about the importance of waste management and recycling. This will lead to waste reduction and recycling in the local community.
Student-participation waste disposal project: A program will be established that allows students to actually participate in recycling activities and waste disposal projects, and students will develop an attitude of addressing environmental issues through practical experience.
- Waste disposal x Medical/healthcare
By linking the medical field with waste disposal, proper waste disposal and recycling will be promoted.
Proper disposal of medical waste: Medical waste (syringes, drug containers, etc.) generated by hospitals and clinics will be safely disposed of, and efforts will be made to protect the environment and public health. The introduction of treatment facilities using renewable energy will also be considered.
Health promotion recycling campaign: Health products (e.g. exercise equipment and wear) will be developed using recycled plastics and materials, and an environmentally friendly lifestyle will be proposed.
- Waste disposal x Finance
By linking the financial industry with waste disposal, sustainable investments will be promoted.
Green bond issuance: Green bonds will be issued to fund waste disposal and recycling-related projects. We promote sustainable economic activity through financial markets.
Impact investment in waste treatment: Impact investment aimed at environmental improvement is also applied to the waste treatment sector, pursuing not only economic returns but also positive environmental impacts.
- Waste treatment x manufacturing
The combination of manufacturing and waste treatment is an important strategy for building a resource-circulating supply chain.
Waste reduction program from manufacturing: We aim to develop technologies for recycling and reusing waste generated during the manufacturing process and realize zero-waste factories.
Product development using recycled materials: An initiative to manufacture new products using materials recycled from waste. This reduces resource consumption while supplying environmentally friendly products to the market.
- Waste treatment x energy
A model that combines the energy industry and waste treatment to achieve efficient resource use and sustainable energy supply.
Waste-to-energy generation: Municipal waste, industrial waste, food waste, etc. are burned to generate electricity and heat energy, which will serve as a local energy source. This reduces energy costs and promotes sustainable power supply.
Methane gas recovery system: Methane gas generated from landfills is recovered and used as biogas. This is supplied to power plants as renewable energy, reducing the carbon footprint.
- Waste disposal x Fashion
This model combines the fashion industry with waste disposal to promote the production of sustainable clothing and accessories using recycled materials.
Utilization of recycled fibers: Discarded clothing and plastic are recycled to produce new fibers, which are then used to develop fashion products. This promotes circular fashion and contributes to reducing waste in the fashion industry.
Nurturing eco-fashion brands: Nurturing brands that use environmentally friendly recycled and organic materials, providing consumers with a sustainable lifestyle.
- Waste disposal x Food industry
This model promotes the reduction and effective use of food waste through collaboration between the food industry and waste disposal.
Food waste reduction platform: A system is established to distribute food that would otherwise be discarded to the market or donate it to food banks, reducing food waste. Surplus food may also be used as compost or as raw material for bioenergy.
Bioplastics production from food waste: Utilizing technology to produce bioplastics using discarded food as raw material. This creates new uses for food waste and promotes the reduction of plastic waste.
- Waste disposal x Sports and recreation
A model that provides sustainable activities that utilize waste disposal in collaboration with the sports and recreation industries.
Sports facilities using recycled materials: Constructing stadiums and sports facilities using materials recycled from waste. Promoting the spread of eco-friendly sports events and training facilities.
Zero-waste operation at sports events: Aiming for zero-waste operation at large-scale sports events by reducing the use of disposable plastics and using recyclable and compostable materials.
- Waste disposal x Automotive industry
Combining the automotive industry with waste disposal, we will promote a sustainable approach in both vehicle manufacturing and disposal. Furthermore, we will expand the “waste disposal x ●●” model and consider new collaborations between waste disposal and other industries. This is expected to lead to sustainable development in a wider variety of fields.
- Waste Management x Technology
This model develops innovative solutions that combine technology and waste management to make waste management more efficient and advanced.
Smart waste management with AI and IoT: Artificial intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT) are used to optimize waste collection and recycling. Sensors can be used to grasp the amount of waste in real time, creating a system that can efficiently route waste collection and separate it.
Transparency of the recycling chain using blockchain: Blockchain technology is used to ensure traceability of the recycling process. This allows the origin and reuse status of recycled materials to be managed, enabling consumers and businesses to conduct transparent transactions.
- Waste Disposal x Entertainment
This model combines the entertainment industry with waste disposal to promote sustainable production activities and event management.
Eco-activities in film and event production: In film production and large-scale event management, sets, costumes, props, etc. are produced from recyclable materials. This promotes waste reduction and sustainable event hosting.
Recycled art and eco-themed entertainment projects: Art and installations made from waste materials are exhibited at entertainment events, and efforts are made to raise awareness of environmental issues and promote the importance of recycling.
- Waste Disposal x Aerospace Industry
We will introduce new technologies and build a sustainable operation model by linking the aerospace industry with waste disposal.
Waste management from aircraft: In order to reduce waste (food waste and plastic) from aircraft operations, we will use recyclable materials and optimize waste disposal and recycling processes. We will also introduce a waste reduction program within the airport.
Waste recycling technology in space development: Develop technology to reuse waste to generate new resources and fuel for space stations and future space exploration, supporting sustainable space development.
- Waste management x infrastructure
This model combines the infrastructure industry with waste management to improve the sustainability of urban development and public facilities.
Construction of roads and bridges using recycled materials: Use recycled materials generated from waste to construct roads and bridges. This creates sustainable infrastructure and reduces the burden on the environment.
Strengthening waste management infrastructure: Strengthen waste management infrastructure in urban areas and increase the number of waste sorting facilities and recycling centers to efficiently process waste.
Waste Management x Smart City
This model promotes sustainable urban development by linking smart cities and waste management.
Smart waste collection system: Installing sensor-equipped trash bins throughout the city and managing when the trash is full in real time. Using AI, efficient routes for garbage trucks are automatically planned, reducing traffic congestion and carbon dioxide emissions.
Recycling point system: A system is introduced in which citizens can accumulate points by helping with recycling. The accumulated points can be used for discounts on public transportation and shopping, motivating residents to actively participate in recycling activities.
- Waste Management x Education and Research
This model links educational institutions and research fields with waste management to support the development of sustainable technologies for the future.
Waste Management Research Center: Establishing a research center at a university or research institute that specializes in the development of efficient waste recycling technology and renewable energy. Providing academic support for the development of new materials and the goal of a zero-waste society.
Operating an eco-campus: Introducing recycling programs at schools and universities to promote zero-waste campus operations. This provides an educational opportunity for students and faculty to participate in recycling and increase environmental awareness.
- Waste disposal x Shipping
This model combines shipping and waste disposal to achieve sustainable waste management at sea.
Waste disposal and recycling technology on ships: Technology is introduced to process and recycle waste generated on ships at sea. This will reduce waste disposal costs at ports and contribute to preventing marine pollution.
Zero waste program at port facilities: Aims to streamline waste disposal at ports and achieve zero waste management. Facilities are established to recycle and convert all waste into energy, significantly reducing waste generation at ports.
- Waste disposal x Service industry
This model reduces the environmental impact and achieves sustainable business operations by linking the service industry and waste disposal.
Restaurant food waste reduction program: In order to reduce food waste generated at restaurants, we promote menu optimization and initiatives to donate leftover food to local food banks. We also introduce technology to convert food waste into compost and bioenergy.
Waste management in hotels: In the hotel industry, we develop a program to promote waste separation and recycling, aiming to reduce waste. We also encourage the introduction of recyclable products and the implementation of eco-programs that guests can participate in.
- Waste Disposal x Packaging Industry
This model combines the packaging industry with waste disposal to promote the development of sustainable packaging materials and waste reduction.
Development of eco-friendly packaging: Develop environmentally friendly packaging materials to replace plastic, and promote waste reduction and recycling. The spread of packaging made from bioplastics and recycled materials will reduce the burden on the environment.
Packaging waste recycling program: Build a system that allows consumers to easily recycle packaging after use, and strengthen efforts to reduce waste through cooperation between companies and consumers.
- Waste Disposal x Public Transportation
This model brings benefits to both transportation and waste management through the collaboration between public transportation and waste disposal.
Utilization of biofuels: Biofuels generated from waste are used as fuel for public transportation, reducing carbon footprints and building a sustainable transportation system. Effective use of waste also reduces energy costs.
Zero-Waste Bus Stop: A waste sorting system is introduced at bus stops, and a system is established whereby waste can be properly sorted and recycled while waiting. This will raise the eco-consciousness of public transport users.
- Waste Disposal X Sporting Goods
This model aims to develop sustainable materials and improve recycling technology by linking the sporting goods industry with waste disposal.
Sporting Goods Made from Recycled Materials: Sports goods (soccer balls, tennis rackets, etc.) are manufactured using plastic and rubber recycled from waste. This will reduce waste and increase the sustainability of the products.
Circular Model for Sportswear: A circular business model is introduced in which used sportswear is recycled and converted into new clothing. A system is created where consumers can return unwanted clothing, preventing resource waste.
ESOL EnergyのWTE(Waste-to-Energy)戦略は、廃棄物をエネルギーに変換するプロジェクトを中心に進められています。石川先生の指導のもと、特に東南アジア地域における廃棄物処理とエネルギー生産を統合した大規模プロジェクトを展開しています。この戦略は、以下の要素を含んでいます。
1. 技術とプロジェクトのスケール
ESOL Energyは、1日に2000トンの廃棄物を処理し、約300MWの電力を生成するWTE施設を計画しています。これにより、廃棄物問題の解決と同時に、持続可能なエネルギー源を確保することが可能です。このプロジェクトは、日本の最先端技術を利用し、長期的な運用とメンテナンスの安定性を保証しています。プロジェクトの投資額は約850億円で、年間約310億円の収益が見込まれています。投資資金調達も合わせて対応します。
2. 石川先生の役割
石川先生は、過去にドバイで1100億円を調達し、廃棄物発電プロジェクトを成功させた実績を持っています。その経験を活かし、ESOL EnergyのWTEプロジェクトでも同様の成功を目指しています。石川先生の指導のもと、プロジェクトは日本の金融機関からの資金調達を行い、技術面でのサポートも得ています。
3. スマートシティ開発との連携
このWTE戦略は、単なるエネルギー生産にとどまらず、スマートシティの開発とも連携しています。ESOL Energyは、廃棄物処理を軸にした持続可能な都市モデルを構築し、廃棄物発電を都市のエネルギー供給基盤として位置づけています。これにより、環境負荷を低減しつつ、経済発展を支える新しい都市開発の形を目指しています。
4. カーボンクレジット取引の活用
ESOL Energyは、タイとベトナム間でのカーボンクレジット取引も進めており、このWTEプロジェクトの一環として、二酸化炭素の削減を促進しています。これにより、国際的な環境目標達成にも貢献しています。
このように、ESOL Energyは石川先生の指導のもと、廃棄物をエネルギーに変換する技術を活用し、持続可能な経済発展を目指す戦略を展開しています。
ESOL Energy’s Waste-to-Energy (WTE) strategy, developed under the guidance of Dr. Ishikawa, is focused on converting waste into energy as a key driver for sustainable growth in Southeast Asia. This strategy includes large-scale projects designed to address waste management issues while producing renewable energy, particularly in countries like Thailand. The project highlights include:
We also handle investment financing.
1. Large-Scale WTE Projects
ESOL Energy is working on WTE plants capable of processing 2,000 tons of waste per day, generating 300MW of electricity. This ambitious initiative not only tackles the region’s growing waste disposal challenges but also contributes to renewable energy generation. The project is expected to cost 85 billion yen, with potential annual revenues reaching 31 billion yen based on electricity sales at 16 yen per kWh. The project will ensure efficient, stable operations with long-term maintenance strategies using Japan’s top-tier technology.
2. Dr. Ishikawa’s Role
Dr. Ishikawa, renowned for successfully raising 110 billion yen for a previous WTE project in Dubai, brings his extensive experience to ESOL Energy’s efforts. His expertise in fundraising and waste-to-energy technology plays a critical role in securing funding from Japanese financial institutions and facilitating the technical and operational stability of the project. Ishikawa is also heavily involved in overseeing the commercialization of the energy production process, ensuring that the WTE technology implemented is world-class.
3. Smart City Integration
ESOL Energy’s WTE strategy extends beyond energy production. It aligns with smart city development initiatives, focusing on creating eco-friendly, energy-efficient urban environments. The WTE plants are positioned to serve as critical infrastructure for energy supply in these smart cities, contributing to the region’s sustainable urban planning and reducing environmental impact.
4. Carbon Credit Trading
Another key component of the strategy is ESOL Energy’s involvement in carbon credit trading between Thailand and Vietnam. This collaboration aims to reduce carbon emissions through the adoption of waste-to-energy technologies, thereby contributing to both countries’ environmental goals. The carbon credits generated from reduced emissions will support the global shift toward a greener economy.
Under Dr. Ishikawa’s leadership, ESOL Energy’s WTE strategy is not only addressing waste management and energy needs but also contributing to regional economic growth, environmental protection, and the development of sustainable cities.
Key notes
- 1日に2000トンの廃棄物を処理し、約300MWの電力
- 石川先生の役割
- カーボンクレジット取引
- 資金調達支援
Processing 2,000 tons of waste per day and generating approximately 300MW of electricity - Professor Ishikawa’s role
- Carbon credit trading
- We also handle investment financing.
ESOL Copper Mining project
Customized to New Tech
Knowledgeable 銅鉱石
We excel in refining business meetings, creating unforgettable company social gatherings, groundbreaking tech conferences, and high-profile product launches.
1. チュキカマタ鉱山(Chuqicamata, チリ)
- 所在地: チリ北部
- 概要: 世界最大の露天掘り銅鉱山として知られており、チリのアンデス山脈に位置しています。この鉱山は100年以上にわたって稼働しており、銅の世界生産の大きな割合を占めています。最近では坑内掘りに移行する計画が進んでいます。
2. エスコンディーダ鉱山(Escondida, チリ)
- 所在地: チリのアタカマ砂漠
- 概要: 世界最大の銅鉱山で、チリの北部に位置します。この鉱山では、年間100万トン以上の銅が生産されており、世界の銅供給の重要な源となっています。BHPビリトンが主要な運営会社です。
3. グラスバーグ鉱山(Grasberg, インドネシア)
- 所在地: インドネシアのパプア州
- 概要: 世界有数の銅鉱山の一つであり、金も大量に産出します。鉱山は標高4,000メートルの高地に位置しており、技術的に難しい環境で運営されています。鉱山の大部分は坑内掘りで行われています。
4. カニャリアマ鉱山(Cañariama, ペルー)
- 所在地: ペルー
- 概要: ペルーはチリに次いで世界第2位の銅生産国であり、カニャリアマ鉱山はその主要な銅鉱山の一つです。この鉱山は露天掘りであり、毎年多くの銅を供給しています。
5. モレンシ鉱山(Morenci, アメリカ)
- 所在地: アリゾナ州、アメリカ
- 概要: アメリカ最大の銅鉱山で、Freeport-McMoRanが運営しています。露天掘りで銅を採掘しており、アメリカの銅供給の中心的な存在です。
6. オユトルゴイ鉱山(Oyu Tolgoi, モンゴル)
概要: 世界で最も新しく大規模な銅鉱山の一つです。リオ・ティントが中心となって運営しており、モンゴルの経済発展に大きく貢献しています。銅とともに金も産出されています。
所在地: モンゴル南部のゴビ砂漠
The copper mining process begins with “mining,” which involves digging out the ore. Copper ore contains only 0.3 to 1% copper, so the mined ore is then “dressed” to separate useful minerals. The “concentrate” obtained by dressing is transported by truck, rail, or ship, and then “smelted” to remove unnecessary elements and obtain the pure metal. This metal is used in construction, electronics, and infrastructure. There are two main mining methods: “open-cut mining” (digging into the surface) and “underground mining” (digging underground). There are many copper mines in the world, each producing copper on a different scale and with different technologies. Below are some representative copper mines.
1. Chuquicamata (Chile)
- Location: Northern Chile, Andes Mountains
- Overview: Chuquicamata is one of the world’s largest open-pit copper mines, in operation for over a century. It has recently begun transitioning to underground mining due to the depletion of surface-level copper deposits. This mine plays a crucial role in Chile’s copper production, contributing significantly to global supply.
2. Escondida (Chile)
- Location: Atacama Desert, Chile
- Overview: The Escondida mine is the world’s largest copper producer, generating more than 1 million tons of copper annually. Operated by BHP, it is a massive open-pit mine and a key player in global copper production.
3. Grasberg (Indonesia)
- Location: Papua Province, Indonesia
- Overview: Grasberg is one of the world’s largest copper and gold mines, operated by Freeport-McMoRan. Located at a high altitude in the mountains, it has both open-pit and underground mining operations. In addition to copper, it produces significant quantities of gold.
4. Cañariama (Peru)
- Location: Peru
- Overview: Peru is the second-largest copper producer globally, and Cañariama is one of its major contributors. The mine operates as an open-pit, providing substantial output for both domestic and international markets.
5. Morenci (United States)
- Location: Arizona, USA
- Overview: The Morenci mine, operated by Freeport-McMoRan, is the largest copper mine in the United States. It utilizes open-pit mining techniques and is a major source of copper for North America.
6. Oyu Tolgoi (Mongolia)
Overview: Oyu Tolgoi is a newer and significant copper and gold mine, operated by Rio Tinto. It is a large underground and open-pit mine and has become a central part of Mongolia’s economy.
Location: Gobi Desert, Mongolia
We’re focused on
Copper oxide and sulfide ores
🎉 We enhance the fine tech
Key notes
- 酸化銅鉱石と硫化銅鉱石の自動分類システム
- X線透過技術
- レーザー誘導分光技術
- 近赤外線選別技術
- レーザー蛍光選別技術
- Automatic classification system for copper oxide ore and copper sulfide ore
- X-ray transmission technology
- Laser-induced spectroscopy technology
- Near-infrared sorting technology
- Laser fluorescence sorting technology
1. X線透過技術(XRT – X-ray Transmission Sorting) – 日立ハイテク
- 技術の概要:
XRT技術は、X線を利用して鉱石の密度を測定し、酸化鉱石と硫化鉱石を分類します。硫化鉱石は密度が高く、酸化鉱石よりもX線を多く吸収するため、これを利用して効率的な選別が可能です。日立ハイテクは、XRT技術をベースにした高精度の鉱石選別システムを提供しています。 - 動作原理:
- 鉱石がベルトコンベアを通過する際に、X線が鉱石に照射されます。
- X線が鉱石を透過する度合いをセンサーで測定し、密度の高い硫化鉱石と密度の低い酸化鉱石を区別します。
- 分別された鉱石は、エアジェットや機械アームで自動的に異なるラインに分けられます。
- 利点:
- 非破壊で高精度な分類が可能。
- 大規模な鉱山に適しており、処理能力が高い。
- 価格帯: 500,000ドル~3,000,000ドル(約5,500万円~3.3億円)
2. レーザー誘導分光技術(LIBS – Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy) – 理学(Rigaku)
- 技術の概要:
LIBS技術は、レーザーを鉱石に照射してプラズマを生成し、そのプラズマの光スペクトルを分析して鉱石の化学組成をリアルタイムで測定します。これにより、硫黄の含有量が多い硫化鉱石と酸化銅鉱石を区別できます。 - 動作原理:
- 鉱石がベルトコンベアを通過する際に、レーザーが鉱石に照射され、プラズマが生成されます。
- プラズマの発光スペクトルをセンサーで解析し、硫黄や酸素の含有量に基づいて分類を行います。
- 分類された鉱石は、自動的に異なるラインに送られます。
- 利点:
- 化学組成をリアルタイムで測定し、高精度で分類が可能。
- 鉱山の現場でも簡単に導入可能。
- 価格帯: 200,000ドル~1,000,000ドル(約2,200万円~1.1億円)
3. 近赤外線選別技術(NIR – Near Infrared Sorting) – JFEエンジニアリング
- 技術の概要:
近赤外線技術は、鉱石に近赤外線を照射して、その反射特性を分析することで、酸化鉱石と硫化鉱石を非接触で分類します。特に湿った鉱石でも正確に動作するため、多くの採掘現場で使用されています。 - 動作原理:
- ベルトコンベア上の鉱石に近赤外線が照射され、その反射光を検出します。
- 酸化鉱石と硫化鉱石は異なる波長の赤外線を反射するため、その違いを基に自動で分類します。
- 選別された鉱石は、別々のラインに振り分けられます。
- 利点:
- 非接触での高速処理が可能。
- 湿った鉱石でも精度を保つことができ、エネルギー効率も高い。
- 価格帯: 150,000ドル~500,000ドル(約1,650万円~5,500万円)
4. レーザー蛍光選別技術(LFS – Laser Fluorescence Sorting) – 日本電子(JEOL)
価格帯: 200,000ドル~600,000ドル(約2,200万円~6,600万円)
the Japanese technologies used for the automatic sorting of oxidized copper ore and sulfide copper ore on conveyor belts. These advanced technologies significantly enhance mining efficiency by enabling real-time, high-precision classification of ores. Below are the key Japanese technologies and their features, including price ranges.
1. X-ray Transmission Technology (XRT) – Hitachi High-Tech
- Technology Overview:
XRT technology uses X-rays to measure the density of ores, distinguishing oxidized copper ore from sulfide copper ore. Sulfide ores have a higher density and absorb more X-rays, allowing for efficient sorting based on density differences. Hitachi High-Tech provides highly precise ore sorting systems based on XRT technology. - Operating Principle:
- As the ore moves along the conveyor belt, X-rays are transmitted through the ore.
- Sensors measure how much X-ray is absorbed by the ore, distinguishing higher-density sulfide ore from lower-density oxidized ore.
- Sorted ores are automatically separated into different lines using air jets or mechanical arms.
- Advantages:
- Non-destructive and highly accurate sorting.
- Suitable for large-scale mining operations with high throughput.
- Price Range: $500,000 to $3,000,000
2. Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) – Rigaku
- Technology Overview:
LIBS technology uses lasers to irradiate the ore, generating plasma, and analyzes the light spectrum emitted by the plasma to measure the ore’s chemical composition in real time. This allows for differentiation based on the sulfur content in sulfide ores and oxidized copper ores. - Operating Principle:
- As the ore moves along the conveyor belt, lasers are fired at the ore, generating plasma.
- The emitted light spectrum from the plasma is analyzed, detecting sulfur and oxygen content to classify the ore.
- The sorted ores are automatically directed to different lines for further processing.
- Advantages:
- Real-time chemical composition analysis for high-precision sorting.
- Easily deployable in mining sites.
- Price Range: $200,000 to $1,000,000
3. Near-Infrared Sorting (NIR) – JFE Engineering
- Technology Overview:
NIR technology uses near-infrared light to analyze the surface characteristics of ores and non-invasively sorts oxidized copper ores from sulfide ores. NIR is especially effective for sorting wet ores, making it widely applicable in various mining environments. - Operating Principle:
- Near-infrared light is projected onto the ores on the conveyor belt, and the reflected light is captured by sensors.
- Oxidized copper ores and sulfide ores reflect different wavelengths of infrared light, enabling the system to classify them.
- The sorted ores are automatically sent to different lines.
- Advantages:
- Fast, non-contact sorting.
- High accuracy even in moist conditions, with excellent energy efficiency.
- Price Range: $150,000 to $500,000
4. Laser Fluorescence Sorting (LFS) – JEOL
Price Range: $200,000 to $600,000
Technology Overview:
LFS technology uses lasers to induce fluorescence in the ore and detects the ore’s chemical composition based on the emitted fluorescence. This technology allows for rapid surface-level analysis and real-time sorting of oxidized and sulfide copper ores.
Operating Principle:
As the ore moves on the conveyor belt, lasers irradiate the ore, causing a fluorescent reaction.
The intensity and wavelength of the fluorescence are analyzed based on the chemical composition, allowing classification of the ores.
Sorted ores are automatically directed to separate lines for processing.
Enables surface-level analysis for highly accurate sorting.
Can be combined with other technologies to enhance sorting precision.
Summary of Japanese Sorting Technologies with Prices and Features
Technology | Price Range | Main Applications | Advantages |
X-ray Transmission Technology (XRT) | $500,000 to $3,000,000 | Sorting based on ore density, oxidized vs. sulfide ore | Non-destructive, high-density sorting, ideal for large-scale operations |
Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) | $200,000 to $1,000,000 | Real-time chemical composition analysis and sorting | Portable and capable of real-time chemical analysis |
Near-Infrared Sorting (NIR) | $150,000 to $500,000 | Non-contact surface analysis, sorting of wet ores | Fast, non-contact sorting with high accuracy in moist conditions |
Laser Fluorescence Sorting (LFS) | $200,000 to $600,000 | Surface-level analysis, sorting of oxidized vs. sulfide | Accurate surface-level analysis and sorting |
Industry in Thailand
✓ Effortless procedure
✓ List
Automobile manufacturing companies based in Thailand:
- Toyota Motor Thailand Co., Ltd.
- Honda Automobile (Thailand) Co., Ltd.
- Nissan Motor (Thailand) Co., Ltd.
- Mitsubishi Motors (Thailand) Co., Ltd.
- Ford Motor Company (Thailand) Limited
- Isuzu Motors Co., (Thailand) Ltd.
- Mazda Sales (Thailand) Co., Ltd.
- Mercedes-Benz Manufacturing (Thailand) Co., Ltd.
- BMW Manufacturing (Thailand) Co., Ltd.
- Suzuki Motor (Thailand) Co., Ltd.
- Volvo Car (Thailand) Ltd.
- Great Wall Motor Manufacturing (Thailand) Co., Ltd.
- Thonburi Automotive Assembly Plant Co., Ltd.
- SAIC Motor – CP Co., Ltd.
- Auto Alliance (Thailand) Co., Ltd.
- UD Trucks Corporation (Thailand) Co., Ltd.
- Hino Motors Manufacturing (Thailand) Co., Ltd.
- Thai-Swedish Assembly Co., Ltd.
- Bangchan General Assembly Co., Ltd.
- Thai Rung Union Car Public Co., Ltd.
- Tesla (Thailand) Ltd.
- BYD Auto (Thailand) Co., Ltd.
- Hyundai Mobility (Thailand) Co., Ltd.
- Changan Auto Sales (Thailand) Co., Ltd.
- Aion Automobile Sales (Thailand) Co., Ltd.
- Foton CP Motor Co., Ltd.
- Daimler Commercial Vehicles (Thailand) Ltd.
- Belfort Automobile (Thailand) Co., Ltd.
- Thaiyarnyon Intersales Co., Ltd.
- Volvo Bus (Thailand) Ltd.
- Neta Auto (Thailand) Co., Ltd.
- Kia Sales (Thailand) Co., Ltd.
- Omoda & Jaecoo (Thailand) Co., Ltd.
- Etran (Thailand) Co., Ltd.
- Ducati Motor (Thailand) Co., Ltd.
- GP Motor (Thailand) Co., Ltd.
- Harley-Davidson (Thailand) Co., Ltd.
- Thai Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd.
- Thai Suzuki Motor Co., Ltd.
- Kawasaki Motors Enterprise (Thailand) Co., Ltd.
- Triumph Motorcycles (Thailand) Ltd.
- Royal Enfield (Thailand) Ltd.
- Mine Mobility Research Co., Ltd.
- Tesla (Thailand) Ltd.
- Foton CP Motor Co., Ltd.
- Power Stalian Co., Ltd.
- Rever Automotive Co., Ltd.
- Absolute Assembly Co., Ltd.
- Cho Tawee Bus & Truck Co., Ltd.
- Sakun C Innovation Co., Ltd.
Electrical manufacturers in Thailand
- Phelps Dodge International (Thailand) Ltd. – Specializes in wire and cable manufacturing.
- Mitsubishi Electric Consumer Products (Thailand) Co., Ltd. – Produces a range of electrical consumer products.
- Kang Yong Electric Public Co., Ltd. – Manufacturer of electrical home appliances.
- Gunkul Engineering Public Co., Ltd. – Focuses on renewable energy and electrical systems.
- Thai Stanley Electric Public Co., Ltd. – Produces automotive lighting and related electrical components.
- Hi-Q Plas Co., Ltd. – Specializes in electronic components and plastics.
- Metrohm Siam Ltd. – Supplies high-precision instruments for chemical analysis.
- Bluechips Microhouse Co., Ltd. – Provides electronics manufacturing services, focusing on customer-specific electronics.
- Team Precision Public Co., Ltd. – A contract manufacturer of electronic circuit boards.
- Thai Summit Harness Public Co., Ltd. – Produces electrical harnesses for the automotive industry.
- General Cable Asia Pacific – Manufacturer of wire and cable products.
- Ligman Lighting Co., Ltd. – Specializes in outdoor lighting solutions.
- Kulthorn Kirby PCL – Manufactures refrigeration compressors and parts.
- Lekise Lighting Co., Ltd. – Provides energy-efficient lighting products.
- Unilamp Co., Ltd. – A leader in outdoor lighting manufacturing.
- Focuz Manufacturing Co., Ltd. – Offers electronics manufacturing services.
- Boonthavorn Ceramic Co., Ltd. – Electrical equipment manufacturer.
- Thai Honda Manufacturing Co., Ltd. – Manufacturer of engines and electrical systems for motorbikes.
- Mattel Bangkok Ltd. – Produces electrical toys and components.
- Mitsubishi Elevator Asia Co., Ltd. – Manufacturer of elevator electrical systems.
- Isuzu Motors Co., (Thailand) Ltd. – Manufacturer of automotive electrical systems.
- Thai Micro Electric Ltd. – Provides electronics manufacturing services.
- Delta Electronics (Thailand) PCL – Focuses on power and thermal management solutions.
- Samsung Electronics (Thailand) Co., Ltd. – A global leader in electronics and electrical products.
- Sharp Appliances (Thailand) Ltd. – Produces consumer electronics and electrical appliances.
- Sony Technology (Thailand) Co., Ltd. – Manufacturer of electronics components.
- Fujitsu General (Thailand) Co., Ltd. – Specializes in air conditioning and electronics.
- Panasonic Appliances (Thailand) Co., Ltd. – Manufactures electrical home appliances.
- Toshiba Thailand Co., Ltd. – Produces electronics and electrical products.
- Hitachi Industrial Technology (Thailand) Ltd. – Provides industrial and electrical systems.
- ABB (Thailand) Ltd. – Specializes in power and automation technologies.
- Siemens (Thailand) Ltd. – Produces electrical components and automation systems.
- Eaton Electric (Thailand) Co., Ltd. – Focuses on energy management and electrical solutions.
- Honeywell (Thailand) Ltd. – Provides electrical systems for building automation.
- Emerson Electric (Thailand) Co., Ltd. – Specializes in automation solutions.
- Schneider Electric (Thailand) Co., Ltd. – Manufacturer of electrical distribution systems.
- Legrand (Thailand) Ltd. – Produces electrical systems for data centers and buildings.
- Daikin Industries (Thailand) Ltd. – Produces air conditioning systems and related electronics.
- Bosch Automotive (Thailand) Ltd. – Manufactures automotive electrical components.
- Zyxel (Thailand) Co., Ltd. – Specializes in telecommunications and networking electronics.
- Omron Electronics (Thailand) Co., Ltd. – Provides automation and sensing technology.
- NEC Corporation (Thailand) Ltd. – Focuses on communications systems and electronics.
- LG Electronics (Thailand) Co., Ltd. – Produces home appliances and electronics.
- Philips Electronics (Thailand) Ltd. – Manufacturer of consumer electronics and healthcare systems.
- Fuji Electric (Thailand) Co., Ltd. – Specializes in power electronics and electrical equipment.
- Ricoh (Thailand) Ltd. – Provides printing and electronics solutions.
- Kyocera Corporation (Thailand) Co., Ltd. – Manufacturer of electronic components.
- Brother Industries (Thailand) Ltd. – Produces office electronics and electrical components.
- **Nidec Electronics
- Nidec Electronics (Thailand) Co., Ltd. – Specializes in manufacturing precision motors and electrical components.
- Delta Electronics (Thailand) Public Co., Ltd. – A leading producer of power supplies and thermal management solutions.
- TCL Electronics (Thailand) Co., Ltd. – Manufactures consumer electronics such as televisions and home appliances.
- Mektec Manufacturing Corporation (Thailand) Ltd. – Produces flexible printed circuits for electronic devices.
- Murata Electronics (Thailand) Ltd. – Manufacturer of electronic components, focusing on capacitors and sensors.
- Sharp Manufacturing Corporation (Thailand) Co., Ltd. – Specializes in consumer electronics like televisions and home appliances.
- Thai Micro Electronics Ltd. – Specializes in electronic manufacturing services (EMS).
- Sanyo Semiconductor Co., Ltd. – Manufacturer of semiconductor devices and electrical components.
- Panasonic Electronic Devices (Thailand) Co., Ltd. – Produces electronic components for consumer products.
- Yokogawa Electric (Thailand) Co., Ltd. – Specializes in industrial automation and control systems.
- Sumitomo Electric Industries Ltd. (Thailand) – Manufacturer of electric wiring systems for automobiles.
- Mitsumi Electric (Thailand) Co., Ltd. – Produces electronic components like semiconductors and circuit boards.
- TT Electronics (Thailand) Co., Ltd. – Manufacturer of sensors and electronic components.
- Kohler (Thailand) Co., Ltd. – Produces generators and power solutions.
- Bangkok Cable Co., Ltd. – Leading manufacturer of electrical cables and wires.
- Thai Yazaki Electric Wire Co., Ltd. – Specializes in automotive wire harness systems and power cables.
- Belden (Thailand) Co., Ltd. – Manufacturer of industrial networking solutions and cables.
- Mitsubishi Materials Electronics (Thailand) Co., Ltd. – Focuses on the production of electronic materials and components.
- Denso (Thailand) Co., Ltd. – Manufactures automotive electronic components, including sensors and air conditioning systems.
- TE Connectivity (Thailand) Co., Ltd. – A global provider of connectivity and sensor solutions.
- Hitachi Metals (Thailand) Ltd. – Specializes in high-performance materials and components for electronics.
- KCE Electronics Public Co., Ltd. – Manufacturer of printed circuit boards (PCBs) for global electronics industries.
- Kingboard Laminates (Thailand) Co., Ltd. – Produces copper-clad laminates for printed circuit boards.
- Thai Komatsu Electronics Ltd. – Specializes in the production of semiconductor and electronic parts.
- Rohm Integrated Systems (Thailand) Co., Ltd. – Manufacturer of semiconductors and integrated circuits.
- Kyoden (Thailand) Co., Ltd. – Produces printed circuit boards for electronic devices.
- OMRON Corporation (Thailand) – Leader in automation components, industrial automation, and healthcare devices.
- Molex (Thailand) Co., Ltd. – Global provider of electronic connectors and solutions.
- Fuji Electric (Thailand) Co., Ltd. – Focuses on power electronics systems and factory automation.
- Seiko Instruments (Thailand) Co., Ltd. – Produces electronic components for various industries.
- Alps Electric (Thailand) Co., Ltd. – Manufacturer of electronic components for automotive and industrial applications.
- Renesas Electronics (Thailand) Co., Ltd. – Specializes in microcontrollers and semiconductor devices.
- Kingston Technology (Thailand) Co., Ltd. – Produces memory and storage solutions.
- TDK Corporation (Thailand) Co., Ltd. – Manufacturer of electronic components including capacitors, inductors, and sensors.
- Vishay Intertechnology (Thailand) Co., Ltd. – Producer of discrete semiconductors and passive electronic components.
- Texas Instruments (Thailand) Co., Ltd. – Global semiconductor design and manufacturing company.
- Microchip Technology (Thailand) Co., Ltd. – Producer of microcontrollers and analog semiconductors.
- Wong’s Electronics (Thailand) Ltd. – Provides electronics manufacturing services for global clients.
- Epson (Thailand) Co., Ltd. – Manufacturer of printers, projectors, and other electronic devices.
- Canon Hi-Tech (Thailand) Ltd. – Specializes in imaging and optical products like printers and cameras.
- Lexmark International (Thailand) Ltd. – Manufacturer of printers and imaging products.
- Ricoh Thailand Ltd. – Provides office automation equipment including copiers and printers.
- Brother Commercial (Thailand) Ltd. – Specializes in office electronics like printers and fax machines.
- Hewlett-Packard (Thailand) Ltd. – Manufacturer of printers, laptops, and other electronic devices.
- Western Digital (Thailand) Ltd. – Focuses on data storage solutions and hard drives.
- Seagate Technology (Thailand) Ltd. – Leading producer of storage solutions and hard disk drives.
- Dell Technologies (Thailand) Ltd. – Manufacturer of computers and IT solutions.
- Toshiba Semiconductor (Thailand) Co., Ltd. – Focuses on power semiconductors and ICs.
- Pioneer Electronics (Thailand) Co., Ltd. – Specializes in car audio systems and electronic components.
- JVC Kenwood (Thailand) Co., Ltd. – Manufacturer of audio-visual and communication equipment.
- Sharp Appliances (Thailand) Ltd. – Produces consumer electronic appliances like televisions and home electronics.
construction materials manufacturers in Thailand:
- Siam Cement Group (SCG)
- TPI Polene Public Co., Ltd.
- Siam City Cement (INSEE)
- COTTO (SCG Ceramics)
- Shera Public Co., Ltd.
- Diamond Building Products PCL
- Mahaphant Fibre Cement PCL
- Conwood Co., Ltd.
- Thai Gypsum Products PCL
- Boral Thailand
- Loxley Public Co., Ltd.
- Bangkok Steel Industry PCL
- V.N. Steel Intertrade Co., Ltd.
- Bangkok Synthetics Co., Ltd.
- Soprema Thailand
- Thai Olympic Fibre Cement Co., Ltd.
- Prowall Construction
- Tiger Cement (Thailand)
- Sika Thailand Ltd.
- Cemex Thailand
- Thai Metal Trade PCL
- Laminated Boards (Thailand)
- Thailand Fibre Cement Co., Ltd.
- Unique Building Products
- Tostem Thailand
- Pan Asia Roofing
- Supreme Concrete
- Sricharoen Group
- Charoensin Building Materials Co., Ltd.
- 50 food processing companies in Thailand:
- S. Khonkaen Foods PCL – Thai traditional snacks and processed meats.
- Thai Beverage PCL – Alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages.
- Mekong Foods Co., Ltd. – Canned seafood and ready-to-eat meals.
- KCG Corporation Co., Ltd. – Butter, dairy, and bakery ingredients.
- Surapon Foods PCL – Frozen seafood and ready meals.
- Koh-Kae (Mae-Ruay Snack Food Factory) – Thai peanuts and snacks.
- Bangkok Produce Co., Ltd. (BPC) – Meat, processed food, and fruits.
- CP Intertrade Co., Ltd. – Rice and food products.
- Imperial Food Co., Ltd. – Confectionery and bakery products.
- Thai President Foods PCL – Instant noodles and snacks (Mama brand).
- P. President Foods Co., Ltd. – Instant noodles and condiments.
- Union Frozen Products Co., Ltd. – Frozen seafood processing.
- Ampol Food Processing Co., Ltd. – Sauces, seasonings, and condiments.
- King’s Stella Group Co., Ltd. – Food additives and ingredients.
- YumYum Foods Co., Ltd. – Instant noodles.
- Green Fresh Co., Ltd. – Processed fruits and frozen vegetables.
- Safa Foods Co., Ltd. – Halal processed food.
- Tipco Biotech Co., Ltd. – Health foods and organic products.
- Thaitan Foods International Co., Ltd. – Frozen ready-to-eat meals.
- Thai Agri Foods PCL – Canned foods and sauces.
- Royal Foods Co., Ltd. – Canned tuna and seafood.
- M-Group (Thailand) Co., Ltd. – Snack foods and beverages.
- Pataya Food Industries Ltd. – Canned seafood and pet food.
- Sea Value Co., Ltd. – Canned and frozen seafood.
- Kim Chua Group Co., Ltd. – Dried fruits and nuts.
- Pim Siam Co., Ltd. – Frozen seafood and processed foods.
- AgriPure Holdings PCL – Canned fruits and vegetables.
- Singha Corporation Co., Ltd. – Beverages, including beer and soft drinks.
- Kobayashi Foods Co., Ltd. – Dried and processed food.
- Pan Food Co., Ltd. – Frozen seafood and ready meals.
- Royal Interpack Co., Ltd. – Packaging for food and beverages.
- TFG Food Co., Ltd. – Poultry and meat processing.
- Vichai Foods Co., Ltd. – Frozen food and processed vegetables.
- United Foods PCL – Confectionery and snacks.
- Great Oriental Food Co., Ltd. – Frozen processed food and snacks.
- Mikado Foods Co., Ltd. – Canned and processed foods.
- Indoguna Lordly Co., Ltd. – Processed meats and gourmet foods.
- TRC Foods Co., Ltd. – Spices, seasonings, and sauces.
- Golden Tuna Co., Ltd. – Canned and frozen tuna.
- Interfood Co., Ltd. – Snacks and processed food.
- Sun Foods Co., Ltd. – Sun-dried fruits and processed foods.
- Unicord PCL – Canned seafood and pet food.
- Three Star Foods Co., Ltd. – Frozen seafood and processed food.
- Klongthom Foods Co., Ltd. – Canned vegetables and sauces.
- Thai Nishimoto Co., Ltd. – Frozen fruits and vegetables.
- Namchow (Thailand) Ltd. – Rice products and noodles.
- Suree Interfoods Co., Ltd. – Sauces and ready-to-eat meals.
- Golden Rice Co., Ltd. – Rice processing and export.
- Boon Rawd Brewery Co., Ltd. – Beverages, snacks, and food products.
- Europastry (Thailand) Co., Ltd. – Frozen bakery products.
Food processing companies in Thailand, based on current industry information:
- Thai Union Group PCL – Seafood processing (canned, frozen).
- Charoen Pokphand Foods (CPF) – Poultry, pork, and aquaculture products.
- Betagro Group – Processed meats, poultry, and eggs.
- Kewpie (Thailand) Co., Ltd. – Mayonnaise, salad dressings.
- Dole Thailand Ltd. – Canned fruits, fruit juices.
- FrieslandCampina (Thailand) – Dairy products.
- Siam Food Products PCL – Canned fruits (pineapple), fruit juices.
- Ajinomoto (Thailand) – Seasonings, frozen foods.
- Malee Group – Canned fruits, fruit juices, beverages.
- Chiangmai Frozen Foods PCL – Frozen vegetables.
- Bangkok Ranch PCL – Duck meat production and processing.
- Thai Vegetable Oil PCL – Cooking oil, soybean products.
- Patum Rice Mill & Granary PCL – Rice processing and packaging.
- Thai Foods Group PCL – Pork and chicken products.
- Ocean Commerce – Crude palm oil production.
- Lee Feed Mill Public Co., Ltd. – Animal feed production.
- R&B Food Supply PCL – Food ingredients, bread crumbs.
- Sunsweet PCL – Canned sweet corn, processed vegetables.
- NR Instant Produce PCL (NRF) – Instant food and seasoning products.
- V Foods (Thailand) Co., Ltd. – Canned vegetables, sauces.
- Mitr Phol Group – Sugar and renewable energy.
- Buriram Sugar PCL – Sugar and molasses production.
- CP-Meiji Co., Ltd. – Dairy products.
- Tipco Foods PCL – Fruit juices and canned fruit.
- Pim Siam International Ltd. – Frozen seafood, processed food.
- Golden Foods Siam Ltd. – Processed chicken products.
- Thai Union Frozen Products PCL – Seafood processing.
- Kanokwan Foods Co., Ltd. – Thai ready-to-eat meals.
- S&P Syndicate PCL – Ready-to-eat meals and bakery products.
- Saha Pathanapibul PCL – Food and consumer goods distribution.
- Theppadungporn Coconut Co., Ltd. – Coconut products.
- Thai Agri Foods PCL – Canned food, sauces, and condiments.
- T-Holding PCL – Frozen food and ready-to-eat meals.
- InterRice Asia Co., Ltd. – Rice processing and export.
- Siam Makro PCL – Wholesale distribution of food products.
- Viva Food Factory Co., Ltd. – Coconut water and juice production.
- Asia Exotic Corp. – Frozen fruits, processed food.
- Pimai Salt Co., Ltd. – Salt production.
- Golden Triangle Foods – Processed fruits and vegetables.
- Green Spot Co., Ltd. – Beverages and dairy products.
- Nestle (Thai) Ltd. – Dairy, coffee, beverages, and processed food.
- Premier Marketing PCL – Snack foods, canned goods.
- Pataya Food Industries Ltd. – Canned seafood and pet food.
- President Bakery PCL – Bakery products.
- Mondelez International (Thailand) – Confectionery and snacks.
- Heritage Snacks & Food Co., Ltd. – Dried fruits and nuts.
- Uni-President (Thailand) Ltd. – Instant noodles and beverages.
- Starflex PCL – Flexible packaging for food.
- General Beverage Co., Ltd. – Beverage production.
- S&P International Foods – Thai cuisine ready meals.
Food processing companies in Thailand
- Thai Union Group PCL – Seafood processing (canned, frozen).
- Charoen Pokphand Foods (CPF) – Poultry, pork, and aquaculture products.
- Betagro Group – Processed meats, poultry, and eggs.
- Kewpie (Thailand) Co., Ltd. – Mayonnaise, salad dressings.
- Dole Thailand Ltd. – Canned fruits, fruit juices.
- FrieslandCampina (Thailand) – Dairy products.
- Siam Food Products PCL – Canned fruits (pineapple), fruit juices.
- Ajinomoto (Thailand) – Seasonings, frozen foods.
- Malee Group – Canned fruits, fruit juices, beverages.
- Chiangmai Frozen Foods PCL – Frozen vegetables.
- Bangkok Ranch PCL – Duck meat production and processing.
- Thai Vegetable Oil PCL – Cooking oil, soybean products.
- Patum Rice Mill & Granary PCL – Rice processing and packaging.
- Thai Foods Group PCL – Pork and chicken products.
- Ocean Commerce – Crude palm oil production.
- Lee Feed Mill Public Co., Ltd. – Animal feed production.
- R&B Food Supply PCL – Food ingredients, bread crumbs.
- Sunsweet PCL – Canned sweet corn, processed vegetables.
- NR Instant Produce PCL (NRF) – Instant food and seasoning products.
- V Foods (Thailand) Co., Ltd. – Canned vegetables, sauces.
- Mitr Phol Group – Sugar and renewable energy.
- Buriram Sugar PCL – Sugar and molasses production.
- CP-Meiji Co., Ltd. – Dairy products.
- Tipco Foods PCL – Fruit juices and canned fruit.
- Pim Siam International Ltd. – Frozen seafood, processed food.
- Golden Foods Siam Ltd. – Processed chicken products.
- Thai Union Frozen Products PCL – Seafood processing.
- Kanokwan Foods Co., Ltd. – Thai ready-to-eat meals.
- S&P Syndicate PCL – Ready-to-eat meals and bakery products.
- Saha Pathanapibul PCL – Food and consumer goods distribution.
- Theppadungporn Coconut Co., Ltd. – Coconut products.
- Thai Agri Foods PCL – Canned food, sauces, and condiments.
- T-Holding PCL – Frozen food and ready-to-eat meals.
- InterRice Asia Co., Ltd. – Rice processing and export.
- Siam Makro PCL – Wholesale distribution of food products.
- Viva Food Factory Co., Ltd. – Coconut water and juice production.
- Asia Exotic Corp. – Frozen fruits, processed food.
- Pimai Salt Co., Ltd. – Salt production.
- Golden Triangle Foods – Processed fruits and vegetables.
- Green Spot Co., Ltd. – Beverages and dairy products.
- Nestle (Thai) Ltd. – Dairy, coffee, beverages, and processed food.
- Premier Marketing PCL – Snack foods, canned goods.
- Pataya Food Industries Ltd. – Canned seafood and pet food.
- President Bakery PCL – Bakery products.
- Mondelez International (Thailand) – Confectionery and snacks.
- Heritage Snacks & Food Co., Ltd. – Dried fruits and nuts.
- Uni-President (Thailand) Ltd. – Instant noodles and beverages.
- Starflex PCL – Flexible packaging for food.
- General Beverage Co., Ltd. – Beverage production.
- S&P International Foods – Thai cuisine ready meals.
- S. Khonkaen Foods PCL – Thai traditional snacks and processed meats.
- Thai Beverage PCL – Alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages.
- Mekong Foods Co., Ltd. – Canned seafood and ready-to-eat meals.
- KCG Corporation Co., Ltd. – Butter, dairy, and bakery ingredients.
- Surapon Foods PCL – Frozen seafood and ready meals.
- Koh-Kae (Mae-Ruay Snack Food Factory) – Thai peanuts and snacks.
- Bangkok Produce Co., Ltd. (BPC) – Meat, processed food, and fruits.
- CP Intertrade Co., Ltd. – Rice and food products.
- Imperial Food Co., Ltd. – Confectionery and bakery products.
- Thai President Foods PCL – Instant noodles and snacks (Mama brand).
- P. President Foods Co., Ltd. – Instant noodles and condiments.
- Union Frozen Products Co., Ltd. – Frozen seafood processing.
- Ampol Food Processing Co., Ltd. – Sauces, seasonings, and condiments.
- King’s Stella Group Co., Ltd. – Food additives and ingredients.
- YumYum Foods Co., Ltd. – Instant noodles.
- Green Fresh Co., Ltd. – Processed fruits and frozen vegetables.
- Safa Foods Co., Ltd. – Halal processed food.
- Tipco Biotech Co., Ltd. – Health foods and organic products.
- Thaitan Foods International Co., Ltd. – Frozen ready-to-eat meals.
- Thai Agri Foods PCL – Canned foods and sauces.
- Royal Foods Co., Ltd. – Canned tuna and seafood.
- M-Group (Thailand) Co., Ltd. – Snack foods and beverages.
- Pataya Food Industries Ltd. – Canned seafood and pet food.
- Sea Value Co., Ltd. – Canned and frozen seafood.
- Kim Chua Group Co., Ltd. – Dried fruits and nuts.
- Pim Siam Co., Ltd. – Frozen seafood and processed foods.
- AgriPure Holdings PCL – Canned fruits and vegetables.
- Singha Corporation Co., Ltd. – Beverages, including beer and soft drinks.
- Kobayashi Foods Co., Ltd. – Dried and processed food.
- Pan Food Co., Ltd. – Frozen seafood and ready meals.
- Royal Interpack Co., Ltd. – Packaging for food and beverages.
- TFG Food Co., Ltd. – Poultry and meat processing.
- Vichai Foods Co., Ltd. – Frozen food and processed vegetables.
- United Foods PCL – Confectionery and snacks.
- Great Oriental Food Co., Ltd. – Frozen processed food and snacks.
- Mikado Foods Co., Ltd. – Canned and processed foods.
- Indoguna Lordly Co., Ltd. – Processed meats and gourmet foods.
- TRC Foods Co., Ltd. – Spices, seasonings, and sauces.
- Golden Tuna Co., Ltd. – Canned and frozen tuna.
- Interfood Co., Ltd. – Snacks and processed food.
- Sun Foods Co., Ltd. – Sun-dried fruits and processed foods.
- Unicord PCL – Canned seafood and pet food.
- Three Star Foods Co., Ltd. – Frozen seafood and processed food.
- Klongthom Foods Co., Ltd. – Canned vegetables and sauces.
- Thai Nishimoto Co., Ltd. – Frozen fruits and vegetables.
- Namchow (Thailand) Ltd. – Rice products and noodles.
- Suree Interfoods Co., Ltd. – Sauces and ready-to-eat meals.
- Golden Rice Co., Ltd. – Rice processing and export.
- Boon Rawd Brewery Co., Ltd. – Beverages, snacks, and food products.
- Europastry (Thailand) Co., Ltd. – Frozen bakery products.
- Wang Derm Group – Frozen seafood, processed food.
- King Rice Oil Group Co., Ltd. – Rice bran oil and other rice products.
- Phithan Farm Co., Ltd. – Frozen chicken, pork products.
- Anusorn Products Co., Ltd. – Coconut-based products.
- Diamond Foods (Thailand) Co., Ltd. – Snack foods, dried fruits.
- Premier Food Industry Co., Ltd. – Ready-to-eat meals, snacks.
- Orient Foods Co., Ltd. – Sauces, seasonings, ready meals.
- Thai Taffy Co., Ltd. – Confectionery and snacks.
- Sakunthong Food Processing Co., Ltd. – Frozen seafood, snacks.
- Tropical Canning (Thailand) PCL – Canned tuna, pet food.
- Thai Gourmet Co., Ltd. – Frozen and ready-to-eat Thai cuisine.
- Singha Food Co., Ltd. – Beverages and food processing.
- Talay Thai Foods Co., Ltd. – Seafood and canned food.
- V&K Pineapple Canning Co., Ltd. – Canned pineapple and fruits.
- Golden Bay Foods Co., Ltd. – Frozen seafood, processed meats.
- ThaiAgro Products Co., Ltd. – Organic and health foods.
- Royal Can Industries Co., Ltd. – Canned fruits and beverages.
- Tiffy Products Co., Ltd. – Food additives and seasonings.
- Intermax Foods (Thailand) Co., Ltd. – Frozen and processed food.
- Thai Ha Public Co., Ltd. – Rice and rice products.
Thai Coconut Public Co., Ltd. – Coconut-based products.
First Pride Foods Co., Ltd. – Processed meats and ready meals.
Best Foods (Thailand) Co., Ltd. – Sauces, condiments, and dressings.
Thai Chia Tai Co., Ltd. – Animal feed and food products.
Pataya Food Group – Tuna and other seafood products.
Chotiwat Manufacturing Co., Ltd. – Canned seafood.
Pim Foods Co., Ltd. – Frozen and processed food products.
Supornchai Frozen Foods Co., Ltd. – Seafood processing.
V Foods Corporation Ltd. – Beverages and processed food.
Bangkok Herb & Spice Co., Ltd. – Spices, seasonings, processed herbs.